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Selectmen's Minutes 10-5-09
Selectmen’s Meeting
October Special Town Meeting
Hanson Middle School~
October 5, 2009

Present: ~Donald Howard, Stephen Amico and James Egan, Christopher Colclough and James Armstrong absent. ~Also present Interim Town Administrator Meredith Marini.

7:05 p.m.~~~~~~~Chairman Egan called the meeting to order.

Item I          Mrs. Marini indicated that she received an anonymous donation of $9.00 from a concerned citizen for the payment of the Thomas Mill Lease.  Mrs. Marini spoke with Town Counsel who recommended that Board accept the donation and have a constable serve Mr. Ellis with the money.  

MOTION by Amico, second by Armstrong to accept the gift of $9.00 for the Thomas Mill.  Voted 5 – 0.

Item II Mrs. Marini reported that members of the Fire Association have forwarded a letter requesting that taking of the fire station on Main Street (Article 23) be held.  Mrs. Marini spoke with the Treasurer/Collector, Jeanne Sullivan, who initiated the article.  Mrs. Sullivan recommended the Board pass over and she will investigate the matter further with her title attorney.

MOTION by Armstrong, second by Amico to Passover Article 23.  Voted 5 – 0.

Item III        Appointment to Energy Committee – Mrs. Marini has determined that applicant Matt Dyer is 18 and is a registered voter.

MOTION by Amico, second by Armstrong to appoint Matt Dyer to the Energy Committee.  Term to Expire June 30, 2010.  Voted 5 – 0.

MOTION by Amico, second by Armstrong to adjourn to Town Meeting Voted 5 – 0.

7:16 p.m.       Adjourned to Town Meeting.

                                                Respectfully submitted.

                                                Meredith Marini,
                                                Interim Town Administrator
Approved and Voted 5 - 0
                                                March 9, 2010